Google is no longer the secret of the web. Everyone knows about it. The reason is quite obvious. Why ride a horse when you can drive a car? While all those other search engines are busy copying one another, Google has been busy innovating.
I've switched over to Google from HotBot since 1999 and has never looked back. Their speedy and accurate search is the core of its function, but its also just the cover of the book. There is more to discover than merely utilizing their search function. If you haven't try these cool features, you haven't unleashed the power of Google.
Google Basics: Web Images Groups News Froogle LocalNew! more »
You're missing out if you haven't try these basic functions. And obviously you don't know what you're missing if you haven't click on "more »" Go, explorer and discover.
Images - Strictly search for pictures
Groups - Search or browse within newsgroups
News - Displays headlines and time it was posted from various sources.
Froogle - For frugal shoppers. Display prices from various stores.
Advance Search:
This is what separates Google search from the rest. Ever try searching for "SprintPCS cellphones" and then you get a bunch of other results which includes "SprintPCS cellphones batteries, accessories, antenna, etc" Try "Sprint PCS cell phones -batteries -accessories -antenna". Or wonder how many "inches in a meter" or "meter in a mile"? Type that in as is. Want to be amazed? Type in your 10 digits home phone number. What to search for a particular word in a particular website? Try "word". There is a wealth of things you can do with google. It is only limited by your imagination. Its so powerful that Google is banned from China and some people even use it as a hacking tool. Hmm, wonder how I can gain access to a particular site without a password or ID? =)
Google Mail:
If you don't have one yet? Get one quick while the name you want is still available. Can't go wrong with 2gb of space. It's very quick, has user friendly interface, awesome spam filter and excellent search feature when you need to look for that email you sent someone or someone sent to you. For the geeks who needs to see the header info that not even your Lotus Notes or Yahoo account trust you with, Gmail got it.
Photo Manager:
Going crazy with your digital camera and can't seem to manager your photos? Or you just need a free photo viewer? Can't find that picture you downloaded onto to your computer 2 years ago? Picasa from Google is your answer. It displays, find and sorts all pictures on your computer by date, fix redeyes, sharpen the photo, etc. Needless to say, its fast and its free.
Desktop Search:
Fine, you don't care about searching for photos on your computer, but you need your resume because you haven't update it in years or you're just too lazy to rewrite a new creative resignation letter and wanted to use your old one, but can't find it?
Your Personal Google Page:
Still not convinced Google can replace your personalized Yahoo webpage? Google page is the latest offering from Google. This should be the ultimate kicker for those of you who are still clinging to your MSN or Netscape page. Dump them. Google Page will give you instant weather report, stock quotes, news, word of the day, quote of the day, even sneak peak into your mailbox, whatever, your style.
Google Maps:
That's right. Dump Maquest and Mapblast. Need to know the nearest pizza parlor? Not a problem with Google Maps. Buying a new house or never been to the neighborhood? No problem. Google Maps offer satellite view images. That's how I locate exactly where the tennis courts are in Forest Park. Going crosscountry from Los Angeles to New York? Simply enter "LAX to JFK".
Google SMS:
Okay, fine, Google is king of search, email, blah, blah, blah. How will Google be your savior while you're driving from NYC to Boston to meet up with your internet blind date at her home, but you're lost because you can't find her address which you sworn you stuff it in your pocket. On top of that you're hungry, forgot to buy flowers and just found out that she left you a message saying she wants to catch the opening of Star Wars: Episole X. You tried to returned the call, but no one picks up. Now what?...besides the fact that you're screwed? Oh yeah, forgot to mention that your car is not equipped with a laptop or a GPS so there goes that idea. Well, as you have guessed. Google SMS won't come by your side with flowers, drive you to her house and give you free movie tickets. However, if you text message "help" to GOOGL from your cell phone, you can tap into Google resource and get yourself out of this jam. Here's what you can do.
1. Check the weather for Boston, MA by text messaging "weather Boston, MA" to GOOGL (46645). If there is a blizzard, turn around and go home.
2. If not, send her home phone number or name and city to GOOGL to retrieve her home address and driving direction.
3. With her address handy, you can then send "pizza zipcode" to find the nearest parlor for a quick bite.
4. Why stop there? Get the movie timetable, compare prices of electronic goods or flower, or even get your own stock quote while you're at it.
Who knew? The possibility is endless. So what's Google secret? Majority of their employees are PhD's, so expect more cool stuffs from Google as they are constantly re-innovating the Internet.
Here are some of Google's other features.
Google Web Accelerator
Save time online by loading web pages faster even for broadband.
My Search History
Easily access and manage your Google search history from any computer.
Google Ride Finder
Find a taxi, limousine or shuttle using real time position of vehicles
Google Video
Search recent TV programs online
Thursday, June 02, 2005
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